This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Tzaangors.
- 24 heads – 12 different designs with 12 different sets of horns, meaning your Tzaangors will be unique;
- 12 savage blades, 12 arcanite shields and 12 sets of axe and pick – pair up the savage blades or carry one and a shield on each model, your choice;
- 2 models can be assembled as Mutants – these have special, mutated heads. Accompanying them are special mutated weapons – 2 swords and 2 axes;
- 2 models can be assembled as icon bearers;
- 2 models can be assembled as Twistbrays, the unit leaders – there are 4 specific sets of horns for them, and 2 double-handed savage greatblades.
This kit comprises 142 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel 32mm Round bases.
Only ships within the EU.