Victrix VXA008 Rome's Legions of the Republic (II)

Rome's Legions of the Republic (II) in pectoral armour plus Velites and Command

These figure represent Roman legionaries and light infantry, or Velites, of the early Republic. They are suitable for wars with Pyrrhos of Epeiros, the 1st and 2nd Punic Wars against Carthage and the Macedonian Wars against King Phillip V and King Persus. They can also fight Gauls, Spanish, Numidians, Italians and Seleucids.

This superb box contains 60 highly detailed Republican Roman legionaries wearing pectoral armour and light infantry skirmishers. Also included are a myriad of additional parts which allows you hundreds of options when building your own army. 

Whats in the box?

60 x Figures

36 x Legionaries

18 x Light Infantry

3 x Centurions

3 x Standard Bearers

3 x Musicians (optional)

12 x Body options

26 x Head options 

72 x Shields

27 x Unsheathed Swords

123 x Spears 

3 x Trumpets

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